ATTENTION: We will be CLOSED on Feb 17th (Monday) for Presidents' Day
Attention Kasier Patients: Kaiser will only reimburse up to 50% of your COVID vaccine if you choose to get it outside of Kaiser, and you will need to pay 100% up front.
RSV vaccine is approved for pregnant woman or age 60 and above. This is the first ever RSV vaccine in history.
Prevnar 20 (Pneumococcal) vaccine is approved to use on infants and adult age 6 weeks or above. IT is now available at this pharmacy.
Prevnar 20 has shown to effectively reduce otitis media causes by streptococcus pneumoniae in young children.
Shingrix vaccine is available at this location. Under the inflation reduction act of 2022, most Medicare Part D beneficiary can get this for FREE. Don't wait! It used to cost up to $200 copay for some people before pandemic.
Shingrix is to be given 2 doses in a series. 2nd dose should be 2-6 months apart.
MMR vaccine is required for people entering college. Our vaccine service includes uploading record to the California Immunization Registry (CAIR) as well as printing it out for you. Fee is $115 without insurance.
Typhoid fever vaccine for people who needs to travel to high risk area such as Africa and South Asia. Covered by most insurance. Please call ahead if you need this.
Hepatitis B vaccine is required for people entering college. We carry the highly effective recombinant vaccine. This vaccine is to be given in 2 doses in a series. Our vaccine service includes uploading record to the California Immunization Registry (CAIR) as well as printing it out for you. Fee is $135 without insurance.
Tdap vaccine is to be renewed every 10 years. It is recommend for you if your household has newborn or young children. It is covered by most insurance. Fee is $60 without insurance.
Varicella vaccine is required for people entering college. It is also know as chickenpox vaccine. Fee is $145 without insurance.